13 Black Friday shopping tips for rookies & veterans

13 black friday shopping tips for rookies and veterans.jpg Christie Dedman/AL.COM

Heading out for Black Friday shopping this week?

Rookies may not know what to expect and veterans may have forgotten how maddening BF shopping can be.

One major tip  -- TAKE SNACKS.  Last year restaurants didn't open until 6 a.m. in a number of cases.  (Whataburger and 24 hour stores were swamped) If you want coffee, snacks, hot chocolate or something to drink just to wake up -- take it with you.

Hopefully this list will help you navigate successfully....

What to expect:

1.  Lines -- There will be lines for everything.  You must be prepared for long traffic lines, no parking, long lines at the stores you plan to visit and then long lines to check out. This is a shocking and maddening reality for rookies.

2.  Walmart -- Since Walmart does not close, lines for products during their segmented events will start early.  Go here to get a map for your store.  Items will be spread across the store and may not be anywhere near the normal department.

3.  Ad matching -- Ad matching is the key to saving money and time. So far this year, none of the stores have suspended ad matching policies, if I hear different I'll let you know.  Circle the item in the ad and watch the price at check out to make sure your ad match goes through and shows up on the receipt.

4.  Watch the clock:
 Don't forget to factor in time spent in the check-out lines or waiting to pick up an item. You don't want to miss a sale because you didn't consider how long each stop would take. 

5. Get a buddy: Find a veteran Black Friday shopper and team up. Charge 
your cell phones and make sure you have each others lists to split up and hit 
separate stores at the same time. 

6.  Security check: Ladies, leave the purses at home or in the trunk. Stick 
your keys, debit card and cell phone in your pockets or fanny pack. This is seri­ous shopping. Guys, take a money clip or move your wallet to the front pocket. 

7.  Keep receipts: You might get home  and discover the doorbuster is a bust. 
Return it immediately. 

8. Be loyal to your list: Don't get caught up in the shopping spree mental­ity. You'll buy more stuff than you need, and that will leave you frustrated and an­noyed.

9. Be diplomatic with cashiers:

If you run into issues with a cashier, who by the way will be tired and cranky too, then just simply ask for a manager.  Pepper it with kindness.  Say something like this "Look I know we're both tired and I think another set of eyes on interpreting the deal would be valuable"

10.  Be diplomatic but frank with Frank:

Frank is the imaginary competitive shopper who will be snagging your deal or getting the last one of the item you wanted.  If you were there before Frank, standing in front of it looking at it and he grabs it, it's perfectly acceptable to say something.  Be prepared for confrontation.  Decide before hand how you'll handle these situations.  No need to go to jail or get kicked out of the store.

11.   Don't loose hope and get angry if you don't snag your item, walk it off:

When I say walk it off that means exactly what you think it means.  Instead of yelling at the associate or cursing other shoppers, walk around the store.  Your coveted item could be sitting on a shelf in a completely unrelated department.

12.  No need to run, there's no fire, in most cases:

When doors open and you feel the warm air of the store hit your chilled face, don't go nuts.   Walk briskly to top priority and don't shove.  Most of the stores are offering Black Friday maps, print one and keep it with you.

Black Friday products are spread throughout the store and rarely close to their actual department.

13.  Don't drive crazy -

Nothing ruins a great bargain like a giant deductible.  Pay attention, others aren't so make sure you are the alert one.  Don't waste time fighting over parking spaces.

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