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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Where to Go for Holiday Cheer

Traveling during the holidays is tradition for a lot of people. We tend to stay close to home during November and December, but we are lucky to have our family in town. People often plan to travel for the holidays all year long, for different reasons and occasions. Looking for holiday cheer? Here are the states with the most and least. 

Looking for holiday cheer? Here are the states with the most and least.
infographic credit
Last year, New Hampshire ranked #1 for the second year in a row as most spirited, and Wisconsin moved from #16 to #2. For some reason, Oregon ranked 49th, only beating out Alabama and DC. Oddly, we have so many holiday markets and events, so I have no idea why we rank so low, but I guess what matters is how you feel on your own. Maybe we don't Google enough holiday stuff or stream enough Christmas music or tweet about the season. 

Whatever the case, I'm glad that more people have been influenced to spend more time with family because of the pandemic. Family can be important, if you enjoy them, and can do wonders for your mental health and happiness. If yours don't, I hope you have a friend group that is family for you and have celebrations surrounded by the ones you love.

Or maybe you just want to travel to a state that's more Christmassy. In that case, here are 20 cities for you to check out. And here are 30 more for taking a spirited winter getaway

Do you agree with your state's ranking? Where will you be spending your holiday season?

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