Couponing: Bargain Mom's 7 Steps to a Reasonable Stockpile

stockpile.jpgBARGAIN MOM FILE PHOTO: Reader IBSDS15 sent this photo in of her stockpile. This amount was acquired over two months.

If you've been watching the popular

you've seen some crazy stockpiles.

Some folks would call it hoarding but neat.

Some folks would say they are obsessed.

Some folks would say they need counseling.

All of those may be true in some cases but to their defense the folks featured on these shows should be called Extreme Stockpilers instead.


Well let me breakdown the difference between a

and an extreme stockpiler:

Stockpiler -

will buy enough of an item when it's at it's lowest price point to make it through to the next sale.  That usually means they have at least one any one item in the stockpile for the number of people in their family.

So that would mean -- I have 5 people in my family.  I would stockpile at the minimum 5 shampoos when it's at it's lowest price point.

Extreme Stockpiler --

they will continue to "buy" with coupons items that they clearly have enough of already.  For instance if razors are free this week they will get them anyway, disregarding the fact they already have a huge supply of them at home.


Why do they do it?

There are a number of reasons but if something is free after a coupon it does make it hard to resist.

Mainly because most free after coupon deals usually result in some amount of


So let's get started with your assignments to make that stockpile your own reasonable version.

Note if you plan on working on freezer stockpiling go

I'm go

You can read an ad match.  You know to only buy something when it's on sale and you have a coupon.

Now 7 easy steps for construction of your stockpile:


Increase the number of inserts you get each week --

Use this rule of thumb: 1 insert per family member. So you have 5 family members, get 5 copies of each insert.

 2.  One sale at a time

-- Focus on items you use and "stock-up" on a different item each week.  Buy enough for each member of your family.

3.  Be prepared to divert from your weekly plan --

Sometimes unexpected deals will arise, add them to your trip if it's a normal item you use and it's a really good deal.

4.  Remove the pressure to build it quickly

-- You have the luxury of not having a camera crew following you around and wanting to see your massive stockpile.  You're not performing.  You're preparing.

5.  You buy the things you need when you don't need them

-- This will be your new approach to purchasing items on your weekly trips.  It's how you approach price points, sales and coupons.  You look for items marked at their rock bottom price, you purchase them, so you don't have to pay retail.  You will create your own cycle of shopping and replenishing your stockpile as you learn the sales cycles of the items you purchase.

6.  Items you should be stockpiling

-- Household items, soaps, razors, cleaning supplies, non-perishables, kid supplies, canned goods, condiments, paper goods, etc.  All of these are all used on a daily basis at any given household.  If you create a stockpile of these items that helps you remove it from a weekly "list making" shopping method then you'll start to see savings.

7.  Remove your brand loyal tendencies --

You can keep this on some things, but if you open up your pantry to similar items instead of the same brands you'll amass a stockpile more quickly than waiting on specific items.  Don't get me wrong, if you see a brand you're family loves don't hesitate to buy an insane amount just to get you through to the next 'rare' sale.  Some items are like that.

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