Friday, January 13, 2023

Healthy Habits: Yoga & Ayurveda Integration

 Yoga - the physical exercise, and Ayurveda- the science of life, are two branches of the same tree. They are two significant approaches that can lead to an overall state of physical and mental well-being. Both mainly focus on wellness as a way of life.

The practices of Yoga and Ayurveda are more than just physical poses and the use of medicinal plants. They encompass all aspects of your life, including the mind, body, and spirit. Both have developed in tandem with each other since ancient times.

However, in modern days, the two disciplines have evolved separately, particularly in the West, where Yoga has been practiced religiously without much focus on Ayurveda for a long time. Despite their essential unity, modern approaches often ignore their interrelationships.

Ayurvedic concepts, combined with Yoga, could provide a valid framework for personalized interventions to restore health. You know that Yoga is good for you, but how about the complementary healing discipline of Ayurveda? Let's discuss the two and how they can work together to promote optimal health and wellness.

Yoga and Ayurveda - the Connection

Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words - Ayur, meaning life, and Veda, which means science or knowledge. Therefore, Ayurveda is the study of life sciences. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word Yuj, which means union. This word refers to the union of body and mind for a healthy lifestyle.

Ayurveda promotes healing of both body and mind. Yoga helps you realize your true potential, which depends on a well-functioning body and mind. 

Ayurveda identifies three unique body types, known as doshas. Each of us has a unique combination of doshas that determines our Prakriti. When our doshas are out of balance—known as Vikriti—we can use yoga postures, Ayurvedic daily practices, and herbal formulations to correct this imbalance. 

Western medicine primarily focuses on symptoms rather than addressing their underlying cause. However, Ayurveda when combined with Yoga correct the cause and relieve the symptoms; this is true healing.

Bringing together Ayurveda and yoga practices can make it easier for you to find inner peace.

Holistic Approach

The philosophy of Ayurveda centers around knowing your body's constitution and making lifestyle changes accordingly. No one is the same, so each person has a unique constitution governed by physical and emotional makeup and lifestyle patterns. The practice of Ayurveda aims to achieve personlized approach to health and wellness.

Yoga uses a range of body movements, such as the execution of yoga asanas and pranayama, to calm the mind and reunite us with nature. Yoga helps us become more mindful, spend time with self and tune our minds to be less chaotic. It allows us to be healthier by mastering our breathing techniques and body movements.

Also some yoga poses addresses your dosha and helps balance them. For example, forward-bending yoga positions help calm your Pitta dosha. Backbend and twisting positions aid in balancing the Kapha dosha. Diverse yoga poses have different effects on the body and support maintaining a balance among the doshas and surrounding nature. 

Yoga when practiced along with Ayurveda, stress the importance of being in tune with your body and using natural remedies to achieve health.

When you combine both disciplines, it will take your sense of well-being to another level.

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