Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Terrific Tech - How to make AI-generated videos online with FlexClip


AI-generated videos are a great option if you're looking for a way to create high-quality videos that save you time, improve your reach, increase engagement, and boost sales. AI-generated videos can be used for various purposes, including marketing, education, and entertainment. They can be customized to meet your needs, such as your target audience, brand identity, and budget. Today I introduce you to the new AI tool FlexClip.

Why you need FlexClip to make AI videos

FlexClip is an online video editor that uses AI technology to help users create high-quality videos quickly and easily. In the new version, FlexClip 5.0 offers several new AI functions.

Creating a video from scratch can take a lot of time and effort. With FlexClip's AI text to video tool, you can quickly convert text to a video without having to spend hours on video editing. What you will get:

  • Save Time: Videos generated by FlexClip AI can save you time. There's no need to spend time shooting, editing, or writing a script. Enter the text you want to be spoken in the video, and the AI ​​video generator will do the rest.

  • Improving Your Reach: Video is a powerful content format that can help you reach a larger audience. AI-generated videos can help you create high-quality videos that are more likely to be shared and watched by people on social media and other online platforms.

  • Increase Engagement: AI-powered videos can help you increase your audience's engagement. People are likelier to watch and engage with visually appealing and exciting videos. AI-generated videos can help you create visually appealing and engaging videos.

  • Increase Sales: Well-curated videos can help you increase sales. Some studies have shown that videos can increase conversion rates by up to 80%. AI-generated videos can help you create high-quality videos more likely to convert viewers into customers.

FlexClip's text to video tool can create a variety of videos, including:

  • Explanatory videos

  • Promotional videos

  • Educational videos

  • Videos in Marketing

  • Product Reviews

  • Presentation videos

  • Testimonial videos

How to use: To use FlexClip's Text to Video tool, first enter the text you want to be spoken in the video. You can also add subtitles and other text elements. Once the text is entered, you can choose the video style. FlexClip offers a variety of styles to choose from, including avatar type, background music, and the overall look of the video. Once you've chosen your style, click the "Generate Video" button. The AI ​​video generator will create your video.

Limitations: FlexClip's Text to Video tool is still under development and has some limitations. For example, AI can sometimes make mistakes, and videos can be repetitive. However, FlexClip is constantly improving its text-to-video converter tool, so the limitations will likely ease with time.

AI Image Generator

FlexClip's AI Image Generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create images from text. The AI ​​analyzes the text and creates an image that represents it visually. The image can include text, images, and shapes.

Use a deep learning model to create images from text. The model is trained on a massive set of images and texts. When you enter text into the AI ​​Image Generator, the model analyzes the text and creates an image similar to the dataset images.

To use FlexClip's AI Image Generator, you must first enter the text you want to represent in the image. You can also add style elements such as fonts, colors, and backgrounds. Once you've entered your text, click the "Generate Image" button. AI image generator will create your image.

AI Video Script Generator

FlexClip's AI Video Script Generator could automatically generate a script based on the video you upload or the information you provide. It may use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze audio or video content and convert it into a written script. Once the script is generated, the AI ​​Video Script Generator could provide editing and customization options. Users may be able to edit the generated script by adding, removing, or rearranging text sections to suit their needs.


FlexClip's AI tools are handy for creating high-quality videos quickly and easily. FlexClip's AI tools will continue to evolve and improve over time. I'm eager to see how these tools can help me create even better videos in the future.

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