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Giveaway: Eye-Fi SD Memory Card

For the Mommas

When I found out about the Eye-Fi wireless SD memory card last year, I thought I had died and gone to photography heaven. Before the Eye-fi, I would take a ton of pictures, (I love my Nikon), but they usually ended up staying on my camera card. I would have a full camera card and have to delete pictures to take more pictures.

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Marnies Coupon-a-rama

BOGO Buy one TWIX® Brand FUN SIZE® or MINIS Bag (8.5oz or larger) , Get a TWIX® Brand Singles Bar Free (1.68oz-1.79oz). $1/2 on 2 WONKA Jelly Beans when you buy any 2 WONKA, SweeTARTS, Nerds Bumpy or Laffy Taffy Jelly Beans (zip 68130). $1/2 2/1 Fujifilm QuickSnap Waterproof Camera, 27 exp (5524). $3/1 Contact Me.

March 40